Boy's Walk Morning
The temperatures are starting to cool off a bit and as a result many of the summer birds are becoming scarce.
Many male Superb Fairy-wrens have gone into eclipse, making it harder to differentiate between males and females. This is a male and he had several females with him. They were in the open spaces before you go through the "tunnel" to Pine-Tree Corner.
Near to the corner there was a very active Eastern Spinebill that did not mind posing forthe camera. I would like to get one of these in mid-flight one day. They are closest Australia is going to get to Hummingbird.

After an absence of several weeks, the Australian Grebes have shown up again. These ones look as though they are in breeding colours, so it will be interesting to see if they stay on the pond and nest.
Of course the Yellow Robins did their usual trick of running interference as I was trying to find other birds
There are a lot of Willie Wagtails around, cheeky as ever.
Many male Superb Fairy-wrens have gone into eclipse, making it harder to differentiate between males and females. This is a male and he had several females with him. They were in the open spaces before you go through the "tunnel" to Pine-Tree Corner.

After an absence of several weeks, the Australian Grebes have shown up again. These ones look as though they are in breeding colours, so it will be interesting to see if they stay on the pond and nest.
Of course the Yellow Robins did their usual trick of running interference as I was trying to find other birds
There are a lot of Willie Wagtails around, cheeky as ever.
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