Cooranbong Summary
The last couple of weeks have been so busy that I have neglected the blog. The big news is that a Latham's Snipe is feeding on the pond on Deaves Rd. I have seen them there before about 3 years ago. They come to this pond when the water level is low enough to leave an exposed bank to feed on. Latham's Snipe are migratory birds that spend our winter in Japan. They return here is October usually. They are usually hard to find, being much the same colour and the weeds and grass where they are found. Further they are a skittish bird and fly off very quickly if disturbed. Last week I found a Swamp Harrier hunting over the paddock at the north-east part of Sandy Creek Walk. It was flying low over the paddock, obviously in hunting mode. It often flew with its legs down. I learned that the white spot on the rump was diagnostic. This helps distinguish it from the Spotted Harrier. The Swamp Harrier is the same as the Harrier Hawk of New Zealand. There are a few White-necked...